H&H Claims Consultants
Serving the insurance industry, the legal profession, and the business community

The goal of H&H Claims is to provide our customers with quality and professional service at a competitive rate. Experience is our strength and customer satisfaction is our highest priority.
We appreciate being considered by your office as approved adjusters and surveyors. We guarantee top quality service that cannot be beaten if given the opportunity!

Investigation Services
Video Surveillance
Crew Statements
Background Investigations
Liability Investigations
Nationwide Witness Location
Field Investigation
Civil Record Searches
Activity Checks
Workers Compensation
Asset Checks
Insurance Fraud
Criminal Record Searches
Our company provides a highly trained staff
A full service company specializing in
- Marine & Energy Claims
- Cargo
- Motor Truck Cargo
- Casualty
- Products Liability Investigation
- Premise Liability Investigation
- Commercial General Liability
- On-Scene Accident Investigations
- Truck/Heavy Equipment Liability
- Commercial & Auto Lines Liability
- Contractors Equipment
- Salvage Recovery